60203_revB Page 12 of 35
7. Install 12” of heat shielding over the oil drain hose and secure with zip ties.
1. Remove the bolt holding the battery cable to the terminal and replace it with the supplied nut.
2. Remove the power terminal from the driver side fender well and secure it to provide the most battery
cable slack.
3. Remove the accessory belt from the alternator.
4. Remove the battery cable from the alternator and lower alternator out of mount.
5. Remove the socket head oil galley plug from the side of the engine block.
6. Using thread sealant, attach the 1/8” NPT to -4 90º fitting to the M16 adapter. Using engine oil on the
o-ring, install the M16 adapter into the engine. Tighten both fittings and point the -4 fitting down and
toward the rear of the vehicle as shown.