60203_revB Page 10 of 35
11. Disconnect the AC pressure sensor harness. Remove the sensor and O-ring. The shrader valve inside the
AC line will prevent refrigerant from escaping. Install the supplied cap over the port.
12. Install the supplied a/c fitting into the quick connect adapter. Install the o-ring removed from the vehicle
onto the small end of the a/c fitting. Install the pressure sensor onto the small end of the a/c fitting.
Remove the plastic cap from the upper a/c tube and attach sensor. Plug in sensor as shown.
1. Unplug the electrical connectors from all 8 of the fuel injectors.
2. With the engine cool, remove the gas cap to bleed any residual pressure. Bleed the pressurized fuel
into a container by depressing the schrader valve located in the front of the driver side fuel rail. NOTE:
Fuel is under pressure! Eye protection is a must.
3. Remove the 2 bolts securing each fuel rail.
4. Pull the fuel rail with injectors away from the engine. Hold them over the container. NOTE: Fuel may
squirt out of the engine as the injectors are removed.
5. Using a flathead screw driver, metal injector clip off of the metal retainer on the fuel rail. Remove
each fuel injector. Drain any fuel out of the rail and into the container.
6. Install the metal clips onto the supplied fuel injectors.
7. Lubricate the o-rings on the new injectors using motor oil or similar lubricant. Install the new injectors
onto the fuel rail. Be sure that the plugs will face away from the engine. Seat the injectors into the
cylinder head. Be sure they are properly seated in order to avoid any leaks. Re-secure the fuel rail with
the original bolts. Plug the harness back on all the injectors.
Supplied o-ring
Install o-ring