Connect Systems Inc. - Model 9800 Page 18
3.3. Busy Channel Monitor
1 = Enable
0 = Disable
DEFAULT: 0 = Disable
Determines whether the 9800 will ringout or auto-answer if the
channel is busy (Enter 0). Or only when the channel is clear
(Enter 1).
3.4. Ringout on Ring Number
0 = Disable [3.8.]
Select 1-9 (1-9 ring)
DEFAULT: 1 = First Ring
Selects which incoming ring starts the ringout alert. Enter 1-9
or enter 0 to disable ringout.
3.5. Ringout Alert
1 = Ring Tone
0 = CW ID
DEFAULT: 1 = Ring Tone
Select whether the ringout alert will consist of a Ring Tone or
CW ID. The Ring Tone is similar to a telephone ring. You may also
include a DTMF sequence by programming line 3.6.
3.6. Ringout DTMF Sequence
000000 = None (display reads ' -')
x-xxxxxx = DTMF Sequence
DEFAULT: - = None
Enter a 1-6 digit DTMF sequence to be sent during the ringout
alert interval. For no DTMF sequence enter 000000.
3.7. Ringout Once or on Alternate Rings
1 = Once
0 = Alternate
DEFAULT: 1 = Once
Only a single ringout alert is allowed in most business radio
3.8. Auto-Answer Ring Number
0 = Disable [4.2.]
Select 1-9 (1-9 ring)
DEFAULT: 0 = Disable
Selects which incoming ring initiates auto-answer. Enter 1-9 or
enter 0 to disable. If auto-answer is set to a greater number of
rings than ringout (3.4.) you can have ordinary ringout alerts
until auto-answer occurs. After auto-answer, remote base,
selective calling or talk back paging can be initiated from any
NOTE: 3.8. must always be set to a larger number than 3.4.