The term visual impairment covers a wide range of types
and degrees of sight loss and this means it affects everyone
in different ways and to a different extent. The way you
deal with any visual impairment will be personal to you.
Here are some features to consider which might help when choosing a phone:
• cordless with the keypad in the phone handset or a wall-mountable corded phone
so you can see the numbers close up
• keypad beeps so you know you’ve pressed the buttons
• voice prompts to help with set-up or special features
• loudspeaker so you can make notes by hand or by a Braille note taker
• illuminated keypad
Memory store with easy
access for the numbers
you use most
A raised dot on the 5 key
to help you move around
the keypad
Large, well-spaced
keys with good contrast
between background
colour and number
Clear, good sized
text on screen
For more information on phones, see page 19.