• Our audio CD billing information includes
an audio CD file, an MP3 file and a text
file. The CD can be played on CD and
DVD players and PCs, and the text file is
compatible with screen-reading
software on PCs.
To order alternative media bills, go to bt.com/billformats or call 0800 800 150.
• If you use the BT 1471 or BT Answer 1571 services, you can return the last call made to you
by pressing a single button. There’s a set-up charge for this and your normal call charges will
apply. But if you’re a BT customer and registered with our free 195 directory service, you
won’t need to pay the call set-up charge.
• For information on spoken text messages via BT Text, see page 6.
• For ideas on adaptations to make your computer more accessible, see page 37.