BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide 35
Release 01.01 NN47928-102
Connecting to the Device
Telnet Configuration Example
The following example disables the Telnet server on port 23.
> config service telnet no enabled
*> save
Show Telnet Configuration
To verify the Telnet configuration, enter the following command:
> show service telnet
Telnet Service:
Enabled no
Port 23
Telnet Client Command
To start a Telnet session, enter the following command:
> telnet
Table 4 describes the parameters for the maintenance command telnet.
Telnet Session Example
The following example starts a Telnet session on the device at IP address
> telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Table 3. Telnet Server Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description
enabled Enables the Telnet server (Boolean). Initially, Telnet is
port Telnet server port number. The default is 23.
Table 4. Telnet Parameters
Parameter Description
ip address IP address of the BSGX4e device.
-p Optional Telnet port number.