BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide 37
Release 01.01 NN47928-102
Connecting to the Device
SSH Example
The following example disables SSH service.
> config service ssh no enabled
*> save
Show SSH Configuration
To verify the configuration, enter the following command:
> show service ssh
SSH Service:
Enabled yes
Port 22
HostKeys 640bit
AuthMethods keyboard + password + publickey
Services ssh + sftp
Regenerate SSH keys
To regenerate the SSH keys, set the parameter HostKeys to none, and then to
640bit. An example follows:
> config service ssh hostkeys none
*> config service ssh hostkeys 640bit
*> show service ssh
SSH Service:
Enabled yes
Port 22
Table 5. SSH Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description
enabled Enables the SSH server (Boolean). The initial setting is
port SSH server port number. The default is 22.
hostkeys Host keys that the SSH server uses to authenticate itself (none
| 640bit). The default is 640bit.
To regenerate the SSH keys, set HostKeys to none, and then
to 640bit.
authmethods Permitted authentication methods (all | keyboard | password
| publickey | none). The default is all.
services Permitted SSH services (all | ssh | sftp | none). The default is