32 BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide
NN47928-102 Release 01.01
Connecting to the Unit
This user guide assumes that the BSGX4e unit is installed in a working IP network.
The installation procedures are described in the BSGX4e Business Gateway
Installation Guide.
Configure and monitor this unit by using commands or by using its Web user
interface. This user guide describes command use; the Web user interface is
introduced in “Web User Interface” (page 379).
The “Remote Administration Services” (page 33) describes the servers that can
provide remote access to the BSGX4e unit. Remote access requires the IP address of
the unit. If the IP address is unknown, you can determine the IP address during a
console session as described in the following section.
Finding an IP Address using a Console Session
This procedure assumes the following:
A workstation is connected to the CONSOLE port of the BSGX4e through a serial
port cable.
The workstation is running Tera Term Pro or a similar terminal emulator.
Note: This procedure uses Tera Term Pro (see “Third Party Software” (page
1.Connect to the BSGX4e through the terminal emulator:
a Select File, and then, New Connection from the menu bar.
A window opens titled Tera Term: New Connection.
b Select the Serial button.
c Select the appropriate COM Port.
d Click OK.
Figure 2. Connect to the Console Port
2. Enter a user name, such as nnadmin, after the prompt: