34 BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide
NN47928-102 Release 01.01
The Telnet server in the unit is initially disabled, you must open a connection to the
unit from a Telnet session on a workstation. For more information, see “Telnet
Access” (page 34).
The SSH server in the unit is also initially enabled. It provides a means of secure,
remote access. For more information, see “SSH Server” (page 36).
The Web server is initially enabled to allow the use of the Web user interface.
Access to the Web server is described in “Web Server” (page 38).
Show Remote Connections
The maintenance command whoison shows the users that are currently using
remote access to the unit. An example follows:
> whoison
User Source IP Type
admin Unknown Terminal
user Web
The Type field indicates how the user is connected to the unit: Terminal (console
port), SSH, Telnet, or Web.
Telnet Access
Telnet allows access to the BSGX4e unit through a remote terminal session. Telnet
access requires the following:
The workstation on the WAN or LAN must provide a Telnet client (for example,
Tera Term Pro, Windows telnet client, or Linux telnet client).
As initially configured, the Telnet server in the unit is enabled, and the firewall
allows Telnet access from the WAN.
If the initial unit configuration is changed, the following reconfiguration can be
For Telnet access from the WAN, the firewall must allow Telnet traffic
terminating at the BSGX4e device. This requires a security policy for TCP traffic
to the Telnet port (The default Telnet port is port 23). For more information
about security policies, see “Firewall Security Policies” (page 130).
The Telnet server on the unit must be configured and enabled as described in the
following section “Telnet Configuration Command” (page 34).
Telnet Configuration Command
To change the Telnet configuration, enter the following command:
> config service telnet
Table 3 describes the parameters for config service telnet.