Mount the control pad and microphone. I chose the small clip for the microphone. Pull back
the headliner at the windshield just slightly and slide the clip on. For the control pad, I chose
the plastic wire cover above the rearview mirror. It has an opening to feed the wire through
so you don’t see it, and it is conveniently in your peripheral vision. This is nice since we don’t
have a radio mute, you will see the buttons flash whenever a call comes in.
Pull the plastic cover off by pulling on both sides, wiggle it a little, and it will pop off. That
exposes a metal bracket with a notch on top. Place the wire from the control pad in there,
route it up into the headliner by pulling on the headliner slightly and pushing the wire in.
Then replace the plastic cover.
Next route the wires for the mic and pad along the headliner towards the driver side A-pillar.
Do this by slightly pulling on the headliner, then use your fingers to push the wires in and
down so they stay. If you don’t push them in far enough, they will keep sliding out. Then pull
on the top of the A-pillar slightly and push the wires in around the top. You can remove the
plastic cover on the pillar that says airbag, then remove the screw behind it, then the a-pillar
will pop off. I did not want to mess with that though and did not see the need anyway. If you
mount your brain box under the dash though, you will probably have to remove the pillar.