Instructions for Use V 1.9 RevD – 05/2013
The print head must be cleaned
manually once a week or if the
message "15" is displayed.
Preparing the printer
• Open the printer lidandthen
press the CLEAN and LOADED
keys simultaneously.
• The print head (72) moves
upward to a position approx.
1 cm away from the sealing lip
(Fig. 57).
6.2 Cleaning the print head
Fig. 57
6. Cleaning and Maintenance
Fig. 58
• Pushthelever(69) upwards, then remove
the red location plate (70) with the sealing lip
(Fig. 58).
• Moistenoneofthefoamswabssuppliedwith
the instrument (89) with some alcohol. Be sure
not to use too much alcohol—no alcohol may
drip into the instrument.
Fig. 59
• Carefullyinserttheswabintothegapunder
the print head (Fig. 59). Apply light pressure
upwards (on the print head) and move the foam
swab back and forth (approx. 10 times).
This procedure removes dried ink residues.
Never rotate the swab—this can dam-
age the nozzle plate of the print head.
Never use acetone or xylene! Only
use 95 % or 100 % alcohol for cleaning