Leica IP C
6. Cleaning and Maintenance
6.3 General maintenance
• Reinsertthelocationplate(70).
The location plate must be completely dry.
• Whenthecleaningprocessisfinished,press
any key of the control panel to confirm.
• Theprintheadmovesbacktotherestposition;
the message "15" disappears from the display.
The printer is once again ready for printing.
Fig. 60
Location plate (Fig. 55)
• Alsocleanthelocationplate(70) and sealing
lip with (clean) alcohol. The sealing lip (71)
must be completely clean—no ink residue
must be left. Check the sealing lip for damage.
Replace the location plate if the sealing lip is
The Leica IP C printer is virtually maintenance-free.
To ensure smooth operation of the instrument over many years we do rec-
ommend the following:
• Cleantheinstrumentthoroughlyonadailybasis.
• Regularlyremovedustfromtheventilationslotsonthebackoftheinstru-
ment using a brush or a small vacuum cleaner.
• Havetheinstrumentinspectedonceperyearbyaqualifiedserviceen-
gineer authorized by Leica.
• Attheendofthewarrantyperiod,enterintoaservicecontract.Formore
information, please contact your local Leica technical service center.
Only authorized and qualified Leica service personnel may repair
the instrument and access the instrument's internal components.
• However,the message"15" remains on the
display, as the instrument assumes that the
cleaning has not been carried out.
If no button is pressed to acknowledge
the end of the cleaning procedure, the
print head will be closed automati-
cally after a few minutes to prevent it
from drying out.