Leica IP C
6. Cleaning and Maintenance
Outer surfaces
• Cleantheoutersurfaces(includingthoseoftheautomatedcassette
unload station) with a mild detergent and subsequently dry with a slightly
moistened cloth.
• Donotuseanysolventsforcleaningtheoutersurfacesandthelid!
Automated unload station
• Removetheunloadtrays;withabrush,removedustanddebrisfrom
guides and ejector.
• Thetraysthemselvescanbecleanedwithahouseholdcleaner.
• Donotuseanysolventstocleanthetrays!
• Prior to reinserting them into the instrument, the trays must be
completely dry.
• Dryingstation(Fig. 56)
The chute must be clean.
Fig. 56
Cassette guiding mechanisms
Sensitive electronics components are
located in this area.
Use no liquid in this area!