6 Connect other computers and devices
An even easier way to connect devices
Your clever new Hub has a WPS (wi-fi protected set-up) button. What’s that mean?
It means all you have to do to connect a WPS-enabled device or a PC (running
Windows 7 or Windows Vista with Service Pack 2) is find your Hub’s network name
using the device or PC you’re trying to connect to broadband – and when you’ve
found and highlighted it and clicked Automatically connect, press the WPS button
on your Hub within two minutes. Some devices may need you to press a button.
To find out more about WPS, go to www.wi-fi.org/wifi-protected-setup
You may need these techy details:
Authentication type: WPA2-PSK or WPA-PSK
Encryption type: AES (WPA2) or TKIP (WPA)
Mode: infrastructure (not ad hoc)