Connect other computers and devices 7
What to do if you have a problem connecting your computer
to your Hub
If the computer’s never been connected to the Hub before, see your Getting Started guide.
Check the Hub lights table and troubleshooting on page 30. If the Broadband light is blue,
broadband to your Hub is okay. If your computer can’t connect, these tips may help.
1 If you haven’t already, press the Restart
button on your Hub and then try
restarting your computer. This often gets connections up and running again.
2 If you’re trying to get to a certain web page, try getting a different web page.
The problem may be with the web site you’re trying to get.
3 If you’re using a firewall, check it isn’t blocking your web browser’s connection to the
internet. Try temporarily turning off your firewall and then restarting your browser.
If you can now get on the internet, there’s a problem with your firewall settings.
To fix this problem, see your firewall’s help information.
If your computer’s connected using an Ethernet cable (yellow ends)
Check that this cable is plugged in correctly by unplugging and plugging back in each end.
Or try plugging the Ethernet cable into one of the other yellow Ethernet sockets on the
back of your Hub.