Connect other computers and devices 5
How to connect other computers or devices that don’t
use a CD
If you’ve a wired device
Simply plug its Ethernet cable into one of the spare Ethernet (yellow) ports on the back
of your Hub.
We suggest you use an Ethernet connection if your computer or device is usually near
your Hub.
If you’ve a wireless device such as a laptop, netbook, smart phone or games console
Use its wireless feature to connect to your Hub. You’ll need your Hub’s wireless network
name and wireless key. You can find these on your Hub’s handy pull-out (see page 10).
There’s also a space on page 43 for you to keep a note of these details. Once you’ve
found these, follow the instructions that came with your device – for the Hub, read on.
If you’re trying to connect a computer or a device, turn on its wireless – there’s usually
some sort of switch. Then try hovering your mouse or cursor over the icons in your
computer’s system tray or status bar, and look for a wireless icon. If you’re using
Windows Vista or XP, you can also try clicking Start then Connect to… .
If your computer’s got a wireless connection, find your Hub’s wireless network name
in any list displayed (it will start with ‘BTHub3...’), highlight it and click Connect. If you
need to, type in your Hub’s wireless key.