Enables audio output through headphones.
SOURCE: selects from the available 4 source channels.
CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4
MIX MODE: selects the left/right/both channels.
VOLUME: adjusts the volume.
1 up to 127 (level – Each press of the button moves one
cursor position to the right. A long press of button accepts
the value entered).
Exits the headphone setup menu.
Table 2-12 Headphone
On: enables the audio output.
SOURCE: selects the audio source.
DELAY: sets the delay times.
0 to 170ms, sample rate at 48kHz (Each press of the
button moves one cursor position to the right. A long press of
button accepts the value entered).
FOLLOW VIDEO: enables (On) auto switching of audio source to
selected video source.
Off: disables the audio output.
Exits the audio setup menu.
Table 2-13 Audio
On: enables the LCD panel's backlight.
Off: disables the LCD panel's backlight.
Sets the LCD panel's contrast from 0 to 16.
On: scrolling text (conversion format and related frame rate) will appear
when the LCD panel of Pacific C-A / C-AG is idle.
15 mins
30 mins
45 mins
60 mins
Off: disables the scrolling text feature.
On: resets to default setting, system reboot is required.
Off: keeps present setting.
Shows the current firmware version for reference.
Allows user to modify the IP ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK, and
GATEWAY based on their Ethernet environment.
Note: Each press of the button moves one cursor position to the right.
A long press of button accepts the value entered.
Table 2-14 Setup