1. Image misalignment is most likely to occur with VGA signals in the 50Hz timing frequency range and
the less commonly used resolutions in the 60Hz timing frequency range.
a) When switching between VGA resolution signals that have timing frequencies (horizontal and vertical
frequency, vertical total) that are very similar, image misalignment may occur.
b) e.g., 1280×1024 60Hz change to 1400×1050 60Hz (adjust HSTART/VSTART/WIDTH/HEIGHT) back
to 1280×1024 60Hz (since the timing frequency is very near that of 1400×1050 60Hz, adjust
HSTART/VSTART/WIDTH/HEIGHT for 1280×1024 60Hz again to prevent image misalignment).
2. Depending on the signal type, SATURATION and HUE can only be set for YUV color space.
a) YUV is a color space typically used as part of a color image pipeline. Taking human perception into
account, YUV encodes a color image or video, allowing reduced bandwidth for chrominance
components. This typically masks transmission errors or compression artifacts more efficiently than
using a "direct" RGB-representation.
b) When the HDMI signal is transmitted under YCbCr422 color space (set from HDMI device itself),
Pacific C-A / C-AG will enable the SATURATION and HUE function in IMAGE PARAMETER menu. If
the HDMI signal is under YCbCr444 color space, the SATURATION and HUE functions will be
In compliance with ST 431-1:2006 (SMPTE standard that specifies the absolute luminance level, white
point chromaticity, and luminance uniformity of the reflected screen light for the presentation of motion
pictures by projectors with digital light engines in review rooms and commercial cinemas. The purpose of
this specification is to achieve the tone scale and contrast in the projected image that will correspond to that
intended during the mastering process), this item allows the adjustment of the “L” value in the decoding
equation for luminance: where Y’ is the DCDM (Digital Cinema Distribution
Master) code value for luminance, Y is luminance, and L is 48.0.
The following “white luminance value” table includes the value for (Parameter), (Reference), (Review Room
Tolerances), and (Theater Tolerances).
MAKE SURE that 48.0 cd/m
is the basis (Reference) for the adjustment, then use the “Lambda” item in the
LCD panel (–10 to 10) to adjust the Theater Tolerance.
Reference: The desired parameter level or value. This is the value relative to defined tolerances.
Review Room: A theater in which critical image decisions are made.
Theater: A facility in which a paying customer views the images.
The projector should be set-up and run according to the manufacturer’s specifications. For these
measurements, the projector must be turned on and allowed to stabilize for at least 20 minutes before any
measurements are taken. The room lights in the theater should be turned off (except for lighting provided for
safety reasons), in order to equal the normal theater operating conditions. The projector must receive
images defined by the X’Y’Z’ code values (refer to the next table; the last column when added up
corresponds to the “L” value of approximately 48.0).