VoloAccess™ User Manual
Copyright © Vololink Pty Ltd 2006-2010 V1.43 July 2010 Page 9 of 78
Front Panel Connections
The following shows the front panel of the VoloAccess and describes the purpose of each connection.
WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) button and
indicator. Used for establishing WiFi
connection using WPS. See WPS for
further information.
USB port – Reserved for
future use.
WiFi Protected Setup (WPS)
The WPS function is designed to assist with setting up a secure WiFi connection.
A WPS-capable network interface device is required to use this feature.
WPS button
The following table describes the behaviour of the WPS button indicator.
For further information on using the WPS feature refer to the WPS section.
Resetting the VoloAccess
The unit can be reset at any time after the power-up indicators sequence is finished and the unit enters normal
operation. This is done by pressing and holding down the reset button at the back of the unit.
The VoloAccess reset button has three functions described in the following table: (see notes below)
Reboot the VoloAccess
(Same as switching off and on)
Reset the VoloAccess
(Reset to factory configuration)
Clear VoloAccess flash memory
(Reset and clear saved data)
Press the reset button for less
than 5 seconds
Press the reset button for more than
5 seconds and less than 10 seconds
Press the reset button for more
than 10 seconds
WPS, Signal Strength and Mobile
Network Indicators turn off
WPS, Signal Strength and Mobile
Network Indicators turn on
WPS, Signal Strength and Mobile
Network Indicators turn off
● The first row defines the function.
● The second row describes the timing of the reset button press.
● The third row describes the behaviour of the VoloAccess indicators.
Clearing the VoloAccess flash memory should be used as a last resort when troubleshooting a
problem. Data stored in flash memory includes items like SMS Messages and the Log files.