BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide 81
Release 01.01 NN47928-102
Command Interface
For example, the following commands cause the unit to display its system
information immediately after each restart:
> config system startup 0 command “show system info”
*> save
Online Help
To get online help with commands while logged in to the device, use the command
General Help
To list general information about the CLI, type the word help after a command
prompt and press the enter key:
> help
A long list is displayed. First, all commands are listed under the following headings:
Maintenance Commands:
Debug Commands:
Command Groups (CLI commands):
Then, there is a description of how to get more specific command help for
maintenance and debug commands:
Maintenance Commands:
Type the name of any of the maintenance commands to execute
it. You can also use the '?' to bring up help at any time.
This will display context help or help on the various
parameters. For example, 'cp ?' to display help information
for the 'cp' maintenance command.
Debug Commands:
The debug commands become available by entering 'debug
enable.' (They are disabled by default.) Once enabled, type
the name of the debug command to execute it. You can also use
the '?' to bring up help on the debug commands. For example,
'emac ?' to display help information for the 'emac' debug
Finally, a description of the CLI command syntax and how to get custom help
Specific Help
For specific information about a command, you can either:
Specify the command by using the help command.
Enter part of the command followed by the Tab key or the question mark (?) key.