82 BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide
NN47928-102 Release 01.01
An example follows:
For information about the command to configure an IP interface, enter any of
the following:
> help config interface ip
> config interface ip ?
> config interface ip <TAB>
In response to any of those entries, the online help display lists the parameters
for config interface ip, as follows:
Interactive Mode
You can use the interactive mode to enter a command on one line or split the
command between two or more lines. With a single line entry, type the command
with all its parameters before you press <enter>. In interactive mode, enter the
command on one line, but enter its parameters on one or more following lines.
Interactive mode is provided for most CLI commands. Some commands require that
you enter the command and its primary key on the first line. The primary key is the
object of the command, such as a user account name. In the parameter lists in this
guide, a primary key parameter is shown in brackets.
To get help while in the interactive mode, enter a question mark (?).
In the following example, the command config security nat policy and its primary
key new is entered on the first line, and then its parameters are entered on
following lines:
> config security nat policy new
Entering interactive mode: ctrl^z | 'exit', ctrl^c | 'quit'
TAB to cycle parameter options
nat-pol-new#> type port
nat-pol-new#> address
nat-pol-new#> port 2600
nat-pol-new#> exit
Interface to change behaviour of (eth0 | eth1)
IP address and mask of interface
The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the
Whether or not DHCP is enabled for the
Configuration status of the interface (up |
Speed/Duplex of eth0 (Auto | 10Half | 10Full |
100Half | 100Full)