BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide 79
Release 01.01 NN47928-102
Command Interface
line width (initially, 80 characters)
command prompt
session timeout (initially, 60 minutes)
To see the current terminal settings, enter the following command:
> show shell terminal
Terminal Settings:
Width 80
Prompt BSG
Timeout 60 (min)
Changing the Terminal Settings
To change the terminal settings, use the following command:
> config shell terminal
Table 22 lists the terminals parameters:
Example of a Command Prompt Change
The following command changes the command prompt from BSGX4e to BSG:
BSGX4e> config shell terminal prompt BSG
*BSG*> save
Saving Configuration Changes
The Command Line Interpreter executes each command immediately after it is
entered. A change specified by a configuration command is applied immediately to
the current configuration. However, the change is not made to the configuration
stored in nonvolatile memory. Thus, unstored configuration changes are lost if the
unit restarts.
To save the current configuration (and any unstored changes) to nonvolatile memory,
enter a save command.
Table 22. Terminal Session Parameters
Parameter Description
width Number of characters in a terminal line. The initial
value is 80 characters.
prompt Character string used in the command prompt. The
initial value is BSGX4e.
timeout Number of minutes before the terminal session
automatically logs out. The default is five minutes.