62 BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide
NN47928-102 Release 01.01
Table 16 describes the parameters for config user account.
Table 16. User Account Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description
[name] Name of the existing account to be changed or the new account to be
added. This parameter is required.
If an existing account is specified, only the specified parameter
values are changed; all other existing values remain unchanged.
access Access methods allowed to this user. The default is none.
all All access methods allowed.
none No access allowed.
You can specify that two or more of the following methods are to be
connected by using plus (+) symbols.
ssh Secure Shell (SSH) access allowed.
Web Web User Interface (Web UI) access allowed.
cli Command Line Interface (CLI) access allowed.
telnet Remote access through a Telnet session allowed.
ftp File Transfer Protocol (FTP) access allowed.
auth Internal or external password authentication. The default is internal
Strong Password Hashing (SHA).
To require external authentication, specify RADIUS or TACACS and
configure an authentication record for this user account. Fore more
information , see “Radius Authentication” (page 68).
group1 Required first group to which the user belongs. A user must belong to
at least one group and can belong to up to five user groups. The
predefined user groups are admins and users. If another user group is
configured, you can assign the user account to that group.
To remove the user from a group, specify the group parameter with
the value none.
Optional additional user groups to which the user account is assigned.
password The password assigned to the user. This parameter is required.
The password for the user account. Entry of this parameter is
required at logon if internal authentication is used. (If external
authentication is used, the password entered at logon must be the
one defined by the external server.)
inherit Whether the user account inherits access rights from the groups to
which it belongs. The default is yes.
enabled Whether the user account is enabled. The default value is yes.