BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide 59
Release 01.01 NN47928-102
User Management
All invalid log on attempts are recorded in the audit log. For more information about
the audit log, see “Audit Logging” (page 324).
Changing a Password
Changing a password depends on whether the user account uses internal or external
authentication (as determined by its auth parameter; see “User Accounts” (page
61)) If a user account uses internal authentication, the password for the account can
be changed while logged on to the account.
NOTE: If a user account uses external authentication, the external
authentication server controls the password for the account. Although
the user, while logged on, can change the password stored for the user
account, this password is not used for authentication and so the
effective password is not changed.
NOTE: The administrator (that is, the user logged in with user ID nnadmin) can
change the password used for internal authentication for any user
account. This is done using the config user account command described
on page 61.
While logged on, all users can change their own passwords. To change your
password, use this procedure:
To change the password while logged on, use this procedure:
1. Enter the command password:
> password
2.Enter the old password:
Old Password: ******
3.Enter the new password:
New Password: **********
4.Reenter the new password:
Verify Password: **********
If the new password is reentered correctly, the unit responds with the
following message and the user ID (in this case, nnadmin):
Changed password for 'nnadmin'
5.To save the password change, enter:
*> save