BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide 61
Release 01.01 NN47928-102
User Management
User Accounts, Groups and Rights
User access to an BSGX4e unit is managed by using user accounts, user groups, and
user rights settings. The initial factory settings for the unit define the following:
Two user groups—one for administrators (admins) and one for other users
(users). The admins user group is granted all access modes, and the other user
group is granted only Web and CLI access.
Two user accounts—one for administrators (admin) and one for other users
(user). The admin user is granted all access modes and all access rights; the
other user account is granted only Web and CLI access, and its access rights are
restricted. The admin account belongs to both predefined user groups (admins
and users); the other user account belongs only to the users user group.
Three rights settings—one for the admins user group and the other two for the
users user group. All rights are granted to admins; the two rights settings for the
users user group grant read-only access to some objects and read and write
access to other objects.
NOTE: You cannot delete or rename the predefined user management
configuration. You cannot delete or rename the two user groups (admins
and users), the two user accounts (admin and user), or the three user
rights settings (admin, useradv, and userbasic).
User Configuration Commands
Table 15 lists the three user configuration commands.
User Accounts
Before you add a new user account or change an existing user account, display the
current user accounts and user groups by entering the following commands:
> show user accounts
> show user groups
Then, to add or change an account, use the following command:
> config user account
NOTE: The maximum number of user accounts that you can define for the
BSGX4e unit is 20.
Table 15. Config User Commands
Command Configures:
config user account A user account.
config user groups A user group.
config user rights A rights record (grants to a group read
and/or write access to certain objects).