BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide 39
Release 01.01 NN47928-102
Connecting to the Device
The workstation on the WAN or LAN must provide a Web browser (Microsoft
Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox).
As initially configured, the Web server in the unit is enabled, and the firewall
allows HTTP or HTTPS traffic from the WAN terminating at the BSGX4e.
NOTE: The initial unit configuration enables the Web server and configures a
security policy to allow Web access from the WAN to the unit.
If the initial unit configuration is changed, the following reconfiguration can be
For Web access from the WAN to the unit, the firewall must allow Web traffic
terminating at the BSGX4e device. This requires access for TCP traffic to the Web
and Web User Interface (UI) ports. (The default Web UI port is port 443; the
default Web port is 80.) For more information about the firewall, see “Firewall
Security Policies” (page 130).
Configure and enable the Web server in the unit as described in the following
section “Web Server Configuration Command” (page 39).
Web Server Configuration Command
To change the Web server configuration, enter the following command:
> config service web
Table 6 describes the parameters for config service web.
Disable Web Server Example
The following example disables the Web server.
> config service web no enabled
*> save
Show Web Server Configuration
To verify the configuration, enter the following command:
> show service web
Web Server:
Enabled yes
Table 6. Web Server Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description
enabled Enables the Web server (Boolean). Initially, the Web server is
httpport HTTP port number for the Web server. The default is 80.
httpsport HTTPS port address for the Web server. The default is 443.