28 Chapter 4 Post upgrade activities
5 Click Get New Updates.
6 From the Retrieve from list, select the location of the software update files.
7 Enter the required information in the dialog box.
USB Storage Device:
a In the USB Storage Device dialog box, enter the required information about the location of
the software update files. For more information, see the Administration Guide or Element
Manager Help.
b Click OK.
My Computer:
a In the My Computer dialog box, enter the required information about the location of the
software update files. For more information, see the Administration Guide or Element
Manager Help.
b Click OK.
Network Folder:
a In the Network folder dialog box, enter the required information about the location of the
software update files. The information has the following parts:
• Network folder—Enter the IP address or host name of the network folder and the
resource name. For example, enter <hostname>\<resource>.
• User name—Enter the user name associated with the shared folder.
• Password—Enter the password of the user.
• Directory—Enter the path to the subdirectory of the network folder (optional).
For more information, see the Administration Guide or Element Manager Help.
b Click OK.
FTP Server:
a In the FTP Server dialog box, enter the required information about the location of the
software update files. For more information, see the Administration Guide or Element
Manager Help.
b Click OK.
HTTP Server:
a In the HTTP Server dialog box, enter the required information about the location of the
software update files. For more information, see the Administration Guide or Element
Manager Help.
b Click OK.
8 In the Find Software Updates window, select BCM50R3_FactoryImageUpgrade.
9 To view details about the update, click Show Details.
Click OK to close the details window.
10 Click Apply to apply the update.