Chapter 4 Post upgrade activities 27
Upgrade Guide
3 Click OK.
The Welcome to BCM Web page appears.
4 From the Welcome to BCM Web page, click Administrator Applications.
The Administrator Applications page appears.
5 From the Administrator Applications page, select the application to install.
The panel for the selected application appears.
6 Download the application according to the instructions on the panel for the application.
7 Install the application by double-clicking on the downloaded file.
8 Configure the clients according to your system documentation.
Upgrading the manufacturing image to BCM50 3.0
After you perform a level 2 reset on your BCM50 system, the system reinitializes the software to
the factory default state, which is the software image installed during manufacturing.
An upgraded BCM50 1.0 system has the BCM50 1.0 manufacturing image, and an upgraded
BCM50 2.0 system has the BCM50 2.0 manufacturing image.
This means that if you perform a level 2 reset, the upgraded BCM50 3.0 system reverts back to the
original BCM50 1.0 or BCM50 2.0 manufacturing image. Therefore, to return to your BCM50 3.0
system, you must perform the upgrade and migrate all customer data again.
To prevent these extra upgrade steps, you can upgrade the manufacturing image to BCM50 3.0.
The manufacturing image upgrade does not stop any services and it does not require a reboot of the
system. Performing this upgrade requires minimal system resources, however Nortel recommends
that you perform the upgrade during a maintenance period.
The manufacturing image upgrade takes approximately 60 minutes depending on connection
speed and the location of the software update files. You cannot remove the manufacturing image
upgrade after it has been installed. The original manufacturing image is no longer available.
To upgrade the manufacturing image
1 Obtain the software update files from the Nortel Web site or on four CD-ROMs.
2 Copy the software update files (from the Nortel Web site or from the CD-ROMs) to a single
directory that is accessible to the BCM50 or SRG50 system.
3 Using Element Manager, connect to your BCM50 or SRG50 system.
4 Select Administration > Software Management > Software Updates.
Warning: Do not upgrade the manufacturing image until you are sure that your
BCM50 3.0 system is functioning properly. After performing the manufacturing
image upgrade, your system cannot revert back to its pre upgrade configuration.