Upgrade Guide
Appendix A
This chapter provides information about troubleshooting the BCM50 3.0 (or SRG50 3.0) upgrade
If you are not certain about how to deal with specific conditions, contact technical support for
assistance. For more information about getting help, see This section explains how to get help for
Nortel products and services. on page 5. If you encounter an error, click the Show Details button
for more information.
This chapter contains information about:
• Software updates log file on page 31
• Common troubleshooting issues on page 31
Software updates log file
After the upgrade is complete, specific issues and conditions are captured in the software updates
log file (softwareupdates.log) that can assist in troubleshooting problems. The softwareupdates.log
file is created as the upgrade begins and information is appended to this file during the upgrade
process. When the upgrade is complete, you can access this log file by using Element Manager to
retrieve the diagnostic logs (Log Management feature).
Common troubleshooting issues
The following sections describe general issues that prevent your BCM50 system from functioning
If a step of the BCM50 3.0 (or SRG50 3.0) upgrade fails
If a step of the BCM50 3.0 (or SRG50 3.0 upgrade fails), contact technical support for assistance
in identifying the severity of the failure.
Correct the issue that caused the step of the upgrade to fail and attempt the upgrade again.