26 Chapter 4 Post upgrade activities
• Verify your scheduled tasks: Most of the scheduled tasks for your BCM50 system are
preserved during the upgrade process. Verify that the scheduled tasks are properly preserved
and reconfigure any tasks that are required on your system.
• Configure new features: If you want to use new features available in BCM50 3.0, you must
configure these features on your system. The new BCM50 3.0 features are installed with
default settings.
• (Optional) Upgrade the manufacturing image to BCM50 3.0: In order for your BCM50 3.0
system to revert to BCM50 3.0 factory defaults after a level 2 reset, you must upgrade the
manufacturing image to BCM50 3.0. If you do not upgrade the manufacturing image, your
BCM50 system reverts to the BCM50 1.0 or BCM50 2.0 factory defaults after a level 2 reset.
Upgrading client applications
You must uninstall previous versions of the client applications before you install the new version.
Perform the following procedures to upgrade BCM50 client applications on each client computer.
You must download the applications from the BCM Web page.
To uninstall a client application
1 On the client computer, click the Start button, select Settings, and click Control Panel.
The Control Panel window appears.
2 Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
The Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box appears.
3 From the list of installed programs, select the program to uninstall.
4 Click the Change/Remove button.
To install the new version of the client application
1 Open a Web browser and enter the BCM50 system IP address in the address bar.
The Enter Network Password dialog box appears.
2 Enter the administrator user name and password:
Default user name: nnadmin
Default password: PlsChgMe!
For the client application download:
Default user name: nnguest
Default password: nnguest
Warning: Call Detail Recording
Do not uninstall earlier versions of Call Detail Recording when you install new versions.