Leica IP S
4. Instrument Setup
Fig. 40
• Removetheinkcartridge(66) from the delivery
carton and shake it a few times, then remove
the protective foil.
• Theink cartridgemust bereplacedafter
60,000 printouts or 3.5 months. Record the
installation date on the white surface (65) on
the front (Fig. 39).
• Insertthecartridgeintotheslot.Loosenthe
red screw-on cap one full turn but do not
remove it yet.
• Insertthecartridgecompletelyintotherecep-
to use a certain amount of force to pierce the
• Withdrawthecartridge byabout1�inch
(30 mm) and push it back in as far as it will
go; repeat this step two or three times.
• Unscrewtheredcap(87)completelyfromthe
nozzle of the cartridge and store the screw-on
cap in the groove indented into the cartridge
for that purpose (Fig. 38, 39).
Exchanging the cartridge
Fig. 37
Fig. 39
Fig. 38
Very important!
Prior to each transport, the cap (87)
must be screwed onto the nozzle to
prevent the ink from spilling.
This step is very important to ensure
safe operation of the printer!
• Directlynextto theslot openingisa safety
catch (86, Fig. 40). Moving this catch to the
side secures the ink cartridge against falling