Instructions for Use V 1.9 RevD - 05/2013
4. Instrument Setup
4.9 Electrical connection
Back panel of instrument
Electrical connections
Connecting to power supply
• MakesuretheprinterisswitchedOFF,power
supply switch (62) in position "0" = OFF.
• Insertthecorrectpowercordintothepower
input socket (63).
• Switchonpower switch(switchto position
"I"= ON).
Fig. 29
Connecting a remote alarm device
• Ifrequired,connecttheexternalalarmsystem
(optional) to jack (61).
• Theremotealarmdeviceisconnectedtothe
printer via a 3.5 mm-diameter jack connector
(optional accessory).
• Fordetails abouttheremote alarmsee
Chapter 5.3.
Setting up the data connection
• Tousetheprinter,aserialdatacableisre-
quired (part of standard delivery).
• Connectthecabletooneoftheserialports
(COM 1, COM 2) of the computer containing
the control software.
• Connect
the cable to
printer port
Fig. 30
The instrument must be connected to a grounded power socket.
Of the set of power cords supplied, be sure to use only the one that is appropriate for the local
power supply (plug must fit on-site wall outlet).
Once switched on for the first time,
the power switch (62) should always
remain in position "I" = ON.