Instructions for Use V 1.9 RevD - 05/2013
4. Instrument Setup
7. If the message shown on the left is displayed, the driver has already
been installed on your PC on a previous occasion (e.g. interrupted instal-
lation or update).
In this case, be sure to select REPLACE EXISTING DRIVER.
8. In the PRINTER NAME: box, you can insert any printer name you wish—
the printer name you insert will subsequently be displayed in the printer
folder and in the PRINT menu of all other Windows applications.
To avoid erroneous printouts, select NO when asked whether you want
to use this printer as the default printer.
9. Two more on-screen prompts will be displayed:
• Whenpromptedwhetheryouwishtosharetheprinterinanetwork,
select --> NOT SHARED, if the printer is used on a local host.
• When prompted whether you would like to print a test page,
select --> NO.
10. Click the FINISH button to complete the installation of the printer driver.
The printer name selected in step 8 (see above) will be displayed in the
printer folder and in all print menus.
6. In the selection window, select PRINTERS IP-S (blue mark).
If no (or other) selectable options are displayed, click on "HAVE
DISK..." to return to the previous dialog box and repeat insertion of
the path.
When installing under Windows 2000 or Windows XP, at this point
the message "DIGITAL SIGNATURE NOT FOUND" will be displayed.
This message is displayed simply to inform you that the printer driv-
er has not yet been certified by Microsoft. BE SURE to click YES to
continue installing.
11. Finish installation by restarting your computer.