Leica IP S
4. Instrument Setup
Filling capacities:
Each magazine can hold up to 150 slides
(depending on individual slide thickness).
The maximum filling height of a magazine is in-
dicated by the "max." mark (74) and may not be
exceeded (Fig. 28).
Positively charged slides cling to each other so
much that they require special handling to en-
sure reliable mechanical handling of this type of
specimen slide by the printer.
If you are using positively charged slides, please
follow the recommendations below:
• Positivelychargedspecimenslidesmustbe
separated from each other before they are
loaded into the magazine.
• Themagazinemay beloaded withno more
than 72 specimen slides to prevent problems
during ejection. This corresponds to the lowest
mark (75).
• Evensmallerloadswillsignificantlyimprove
the ability of the instrument to eject positively
charged slides from the magazine.
Filling and inserting the magazines
Fig. 28