TD 92675EN
20 June 2012 / Ver. E
Configuration Manual
Ascom i62 VoWiFi Handset
6. Handset Configuration
6.2 IP Address Settings
The IP address settings can be configured in two ways.
• The handset can configured to receive an IP address automati
cally from a DHCP server,
see 6.2.1 Automatic IP Address Settings.
• If no DHCP server is used, a unique IP address must be ente
red manually for each
handset, see 6.2.2 Static IP Address (Manual) Settings.
6.2.1 Automatic IP Address Settings
1 Select Network > Network A (or B, C, D).
2 In the DHCP mode drop-down list, select “Enable”.
The Phone IP address, Subnet mask and Default gate
way are automatically set up.
6.2.2 Static IP Address (Manual) Settings
1 Select Network > Network A (or B, C, D).
2 In the DHCP mode drop-down list, select “Disable (static
mode)”. Additional
parameters will be displayed.
3 In the Phone IP address field, enter the unique IP address for the handset.
4 In the Subnet mask field, enter the subnet mask.
5 In the Default gateway field, enter the IP address for the default gateway.
DNS Server Settings
It is possible to configure which DNS server the
set shall use. If the primary DNS server
is available, it is always used. Otherwise, the secondary DNS server will be used.
NOTE: The DNS parameters are only visibl
e if the DHCP mode is set to “Disable (static
mode)”, see 6.2.2 Static IP Address (Manual) Settings.
Primary DNS Server
1 Select Network > Network A (B, C, or D).
2 In the Primary DNS field, enter the IP address to
the primary DNS server.
Secondary DNS Server
1 Select Network > Network A (B, C, or D).
2 In the Secondary DNS field, enter the IP address to the secondary DNS server.
6.3 Network Settings
6.3.1 SSID
The SSID is the name of the network the handset associates to.
Select Network > Network A (B, C, or D).
2In the SSID field, enter system
Note that the SSID is case-sensitive.