Battery charging
Before charging, the battery must be removed from the car and the
electrolytetopped-up above the minimum level(see previous
Batteries generate explosivegases, contain corrosiveacids and
produce levelsof electriccurrent high enough to cause serious
burns. Always observe the following precautions:
• Disconnect the battery chargerfrom the power supply before
attaching the chargerleadsto the battery.
• Make sure the leads aresecurelyclamped to the battery
terminals before switching on the charger. DO NOT move the
clamps once the charger is switched on.
• Shield your eyesand avoid leaning over the battery.
• Ensure the areaaround the top of the battery is wellventilated.
• DO NOT permit naked lights near the battery(inflammable
hydrogen is emittedduring and aftercharging).
• When charging has finished, switch off the chargerBEFORE
disconnecting the leads to the battery. Leave the battery for an
hour before reconnectionto the car.
Batteries contain acid. If
acid contacts the eyes or
skin, wash immediately
with cold water and seek
medical advice.
Batteries emit sufficient
hydrogen to cause severe
explosions if ignited. Keep
naked lights and sparks
away from the luggage