10.3 Configuring IQ LAN VIA the TCP/IP Configurator
Use a Web Browser to configure and view the IQ LAN Configuration Information (IE 5 or greater,
or Netscape 5 or greater). You will need to know the following information, IQ LAN IP address -, Logon Name - admin, and Logon Password – PYMTF
The following steps are for connecting and changing the TCP/IP Configuration.
1. Connect your Cross Over cable from your host to the IQ LAN
Note: Once you have powered up the IQ-400 and have successfully made a
connection to the Host, the IQ LAN R45 connectors Green LED will turn
ON. You will also see the Yellow LED strobe when it is trying to
communicate to the Host.
2. Open your Browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc.)
3. Request the configuration form by entering the following in the “Address” field of the
4. An html form will appear (figure on next page).
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