Using PCoIP® Zero Clients with PCoIP Host Cards
T E C H N I C A L N O T E S / 1 8
5 Connection Problems
If the Connect button on the client onscreen display (OSD) is inactive or if the client cannot discover any host
cards on the IP network, check the network connection and confirm the Ethernet switch or router is on.
Under Options Diagnostics on the client OSD, you can ping a known IP address to check for reachability (see
Figure 14).
Ensure that your firewall is not blocking PCoIP trac. For specific port information, refer to the entry “What are
the required TCP/UDP ports for PCoIP Technology?” in the Teradici Knowledge Base.
Figure 14: Pinging an IP address from the zero client OSD (Options Diagnostics Ping tab)
6 Video
6.1 Monitor and Graphics Card Compatibility
In addition to DVI monitors, zero clients are compatible with analog VGA and digital HDMI monitors. Attach a
DVI-to-VGA or DVI-to-HDMI adapter to the zero client’s DVI connector.
In addition to DVI graphics cards, a host card can also be connected to a DisplayPort graphics card using
a DisplayPort-to-DVI adapter. The host card is not compatible with VGA video cards. Use of a VGA-to-DVI
adapter to connect a VGA video output to the host card’s DVI input will result in no video being displayed on
the remote desktop.
Ensure the correct driver for your video card is installed. Incorrect drivers can cause the display to flicker, blink,
or freeze. Drivers are available from your video card vendor.