Using PCoIP® Zero Clients with PCoIP Host Cards
T E C H N I C A L N O T E S / 1 7
• To find the IP address of a zero client, navigate to “pcoip-portal -<MAC-ADDRESS>” in a Web browser where
<MAC-ADDRESS> is the MAC address of the client with all hyphens and spaces removed (e.g., for zero client
MAC address 00-1C-B3-BF-22-45, use “pcoip-portal-001CB3BF2245”). This will open the zero client Web
interface. The client MAC address is printed on a sticker on the outside of the client and is also under the
Options Information tab on the client OSD.
• If the PCoIP host agent is installed, open the PCoIP Agent (click the PCoIP icon in the system tray) and select
Figure 13: Network information in PCoIP host agent application (with system tray icon circled)
• Look up the IP address in your DHCP server client table.
• Use the PCoIP Management Console, a Web-based management tool available from various PCoIP solution
vendors and from Teradici (see Section 1.3).