Cisco ATA 186 Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 8 Testing and Troubleshooting the Cisco ATA 186
Symptoms and Actions
• A fast-busy tone indicates that the party you called is not available. Try your
call again later.
• If you place a call to another IP telephone, hear ringing, and the called party
answers but you cannot hear the speaker’s voice, verify that the
Cisco ATA 186 and the other IP telephone support at least one common audio
codec technique: G.711A, G.711 , G.723 and G.729A.
• If you are using a firewall, make sure it is a Cisco PIX firewall, version 5 or
later versions.
• After power up, if the function button continues to blink, indicating failure to
contact the DHCP server, check the Ethernet connection.
• The DHCP server should show an incoming request from the MAC address
listed on the product label or given by the voice prompt.
• If your system is configured to use a gatekeeper, a dial tone is heard after the
Cisco ATA 186 has been successfully registered with that gatekeeper. If you
do not hear a dial tone, check that all cables are connected properly and the
internet connections are operating correctly.
• Make sure you do not have duplicate user IDs.
Symptoms and Actions
Symptom Parameters with values set by using the Web Server Interface or IVR
revert to their original settings.
Possible Cause You are using TFTP for provisioning (UseTFTP parameter is
set to 1). The Cisco ATA 186 has a cached value of its profile stored in its flash
ROM; this is what you will see or hear through the Web Server Interface or
IVR. If UseTFTP is set to 1, then the cached value of its profile is
synchronized with its profile located at the TFTP server. This synchronization
update of the cache value happens at approximate intervals determined by the
CFGInterval parameter's value or at power up reset.
Action If you are using TFTP for provisioning, do not use the Web Server
Interface or IVR to modify the value of your Cisco ATA 186 profile. Only use
the Web Server Interface or IVR to initially configure the Cisco ATA 186 to
use TFTP for provisioning.