Machne does not start.
• Power cable s unplugged. >>> Check if the power cable is plugged in.
• Fuse s blown. >>> Check the fuses in your house.
• Water s cut. >>> Make sure that the water inlet tap is open.
• Door of the machne s open. >>> Make sure that you have closed the door
of the machine.
• On / Off button s not pressed. >>> Make sure that you have turned on the
machine by pressing the On / Off button.
Dshes are not washed clean
• Dshes are not placed orderly n the machne. >>> Load the dishes as desc-
ribed in the user manual.
• Selected programme s unsutable. >>> Select a programme with a higher
temperature and cycle time.
• Impellers are stuck. >>> Prior to starting the programme, turn the lower
and upper impellers by hand to make sure that they rotate freely.
• Impeller holes are clogged. >>> Lower and upper impeller holes might be
clogged with food remnants such as lemon pips. Clean the impellers regu-
larly as illustrated in section “Cleaning and Care”.
• Flters are clogged. >>> Check if the filter system is clean. Clean the filter
system regularly as illustrated in section “Cleaning and Care”.
• Flters are nstalled ncorrectly. >>> Check the filter system and make sure
that it is installed correctly.
• Baskets are overloaded. >>> Do not overload the baskets in excess of
their capacity.
• Detergent s stored under unsutable condtons. >>> If you are using
powder detergent, do not store the detergent package in humid places.
Keep it in a closed container if possible. For ease-of-storing, we recom-
mend you to use tablet detergents.
• Detergent s not suffcent. >>> If you are using powder detergent, adjust
the amount of detergent according to the soiling degree of your dishes
and/or programme definitions. We recommend you to use tablet deter-
gents for optimum results.
• Rnse ad s not suffcent. >>> Check the rinse aid indicator and add rinse
aid if necessary. Increase the rinse aid setting if there is enough amount
of rinse aid in the machine.
• Detergent dspenser ld s left open. >>> Make sure that the detergent
dispenser lid is closed tightly after adding detergent.