Lme traces reman on dshes and glassware gans a msty appearance
• Rnse ad s not suffcent. >>> Check the rinse aid indicator and add rinse
aid if necessary. Increase the rinse aid setting if there is enough amount
of rinse aid in the machine.
• Water hardness settng s low or salt level s nsuffcent >>> Measure the
hardness of the supply water appropriately and check the water hardness
• Salt leakage exsts. >>> Pay attention not to spill salt around the salt fil-
ling hole while adding salt. Make sure that the salt reservoir lid is tightly
closed after finishing the filling process. Run the prewash programme to
remove the salt that spilled inside the machine. Since the salt granules
that will remain under the lid will dissolve during prewash, causing the lid
loosen, check the lid once again at the end of the programme.
There s a dfferent odour n the machne
C A new machne has a pecular odour. It wll fade out after a couple of was-
• Flters are clogged. >>> Check if the filter system is clean. Clean the filter
system regularly as illustrated in section "Cleaning and Care".
• Drty dshes are kept n dshwasher for 2-3 days. >>> If you are not going
to start the machine right after you have put the dishes into it, remove
the remnants on the dishes and run the Prewash programme without de-
tergent every 2 days. In such cases, do not close the door of the machine
completely in order to avoid odour build up in machine. You can also use
commercially available odour removers or machine cleaners.