5. Replace the metal/plastc flter.
6. Place the coarse flter nto the
mcroflter. Make sure that t s
properly seated. Turn the coarse
flter clockwse untl a “clck”
sound s heard.
A Do not use the dshwasher
wthout flter.
C Incorrect placement of the flters
wll reduce washng effcency.
Cleanng the hose flter
Damages on the machne that may be
caused by mpurtes comng from the
urban supply water or your own water
nstallaton (such as sand, drt, rust,
etc.) can be prevented by means of
the flter attached to the water nlet
hose. Check the flter and the hose
regularly and clean them f necessary.
1. Turn off the tap and remove the
2. After takng out the flter, clean t
under runnng tap water.
3. Place the cleaned flter back to ts
seat n the hose.
4. Install the hose to tap.
(depends on the model)
Cleanng the mpellers
Clean the mpellers at least once
a week n order for the machne
operates ecently.
Lower mpeller
Check f the holes on the lower
mpeller (1) are clogged. If they
are clogged, remove and clean the
mpeller. Pull the lower mpeller up to
remove t (A, B).