Dil ID: 7
Dil Adı: french
Dil Kodu: fr1tayfun Produits de la Marque Whirlpool
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

Amount of Detergent toUse
Proper U se of De terg ent
Use only deterge nts pecificall ym ade for the u sei n dis hwas her s.K eep your det erge ntfr esh and dry.
Don't putpowdereddetergent into the dispenseruntilyou'reready towash dishes.
Dishwash erde tergen t i sco rrosive! Take car e to kee pi t out of reach ofc hildren.
Based ontheir chemicalcomposition,detergentscanbesplitintwo basictypes:
The use of normal washingprograms incombinationwith concentrated detergents
redu ces poll ution a nd is g ood for yo ur dish es ; these wash p rog ram sar e spe cifically mat ched
to t he di rt-di ssol ving pro pert i es o ft he e nz yme sof the con cent rate ddeterg ent. For this reas on
normal washprogramsin whichconcentrated detergentsareused canachievethe same
resultsthatcanotherwiseonlybe achievedusing intensive programs.
Detergenttabletsofdifferent brandsdissolve atdifferent speeds. Forthisreasonsome
dete rgent t ablets ca nnot dissolve and dev el op the irf ull cle ani ng po wer dur ing s ho rt
prog ra ms.There fore please use l ong program swh enu sin gde terg entt able ts,t o
ensur e the compl ete re mova l of det erge n t re si du al s.
Th e disp ens er m ust b e re fille dbef or e th e star tof each was hcy cle f ollowing the i nst ructions
provided in t he w ash cycle t able . You rdis hwa sher use sle ssde ter gent and rins eaid tha n
Conventionaldishwasher.Generally, only one tablespoon of detergent is neededfor
anormalwashload. Moreheavily soileditemsneedmore detergent.Alwaysaddthe
dete rgen tj us tbe fore star ting the dishwasher, othe rwis e it coul dg et da mp a nd w ill n ot
di s sol v e pr ope r ly.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Dispenser
Always add the dete rgent just b efore start ingea chw ash cycl e.
Onlyuse branded detergentaidfordishwasher.
If the l id i sclose d: press r ele ase butt on.T heli d wi ll sp ring ope n.
conventional,alkaline detergentswith causticcomp onents
l ow a lk aline concent r at ed det er ge nts w it h nat ura l e nzymes
Normally new pu lver ised det ergent is with out phos pha te.T hus the wate rso ftener fu ncti on o f
phosph ate i s no t give n. I n t h i s c ase w e recom m e nd t o f i l l sa l t in t h e salt co nt a in er e ven whe n
the h ard ness of wate ris only 6 d H. If dete rgen tsw it ho ut ph osphate ar e usedin the case of h ard water
often whi te s pots appear on d ishe sa nd gl asses.In th is cas epl ease add mo red eter gent to r each
better r esu l ts . D ete r gen ts wit h out chl orine d o on ly bleach a l ittl e. Stro ngand c ol o u red s po t s w i ll no t
bere moved complete ly. I nth isc ase p lease c hoo sea p rogr am with a hi gher tempera ture.