Be fo re using you rdishwa sher for the first time:
Th e wat er soften er m ust bes et manu ally, usin gthe w ater ha rd ness di al.
Th e wat er soften eris des ign edto remove min erals and salts from t hew ater, wh ich woul dha ve
a de trim enta lo r adverse effect on the ope ration of the app li ance.T heh igher the
content of t hese mineral san dsa lts,t heharde ryour wat er is. The s of te ners hou ld b e
adju sted acco rding t o the ha rdness of t he wa ter in you rarea. Your loca lWaterA uthority
can advise you onthehardnessofthewaterinyourarea.
Adjusting Salt Consumption
The dishwas her isde sig ned t oal low for a dj ustment in the amo unt of sa lt co nsumed bas ed o nt he ha rdness o f
the waterused.Thisisintended tooptimiseand customisethelevel of saltconsumption.
1. Unscrewthecap fromthesaltcontainer.
2. T hereis ar ing o nthe contai ne rw ith ana rrow on it (see fig ure
ontheside),ifnecessary, rotate thering intheanticlockwise
direction fro mth e"-" Setting toward the" +"sign, based o nthe
hardne sso f the w at er being u sed.
It is recomm endedt hat adju stme nts should b e made i n
acco rd ance wit h t he f oll owin g sch eme :
Contact yo url ocalwat erbo ard for infor matio n on t he har dne ssof your w ater su pply.
mm ol /l
0~1 40~8 0~1.4
14~3 98~22 1.4~3.9 - 20 50
39~8022~45 3.9~8 Mid 40 25
60 16
0~1 0
Clar ke
Clark: British degree
fH: French degree
DH : Ger man degree
dH=1.25 Clarke=1.78 fH=0.178mmol/l
SelectorPo si tion
Salt consum pt ion
Aut o n o my
Pl eas e follo w the s t eps bel ow f ora djus tmen t in salt con sum pt io n.
"+ "
the "-" sign and "+" sign
No salt need adde d
45~60 80~1 07 56~75 8~11
A. Water Softener
A. Set t he wate rsof tener
B. Pour 1 2 li tre of w ateri nside the sa ltco ntainer and t hen f ill w ith d ishwash ersalt
C. Fill the r ins e aid d i sp en s er
D. Fillindetergent