To op ent he di spen ser,t urn the cap to the "ope n" (le ft) ar row an dl ift it o ut.
Po ur t he rin se ai d int o th e dispe nser, b eing c aref ul n ot t oo ver fill .
Replace the capb y inserting i ta ligned w ith "open" arrow and t urning it to t he cl osed (righ t) arrow.
Adjusting RinseA id Dispenser
The ri nse aid dis penser ha ssix or four s ett ings.Alw ays start wi th the d ispe nser
set on "4". I fspot s and poor dryin gare a p roble m, incre ase the amoun tof r i nse
aid disp ensedb y r em oving thed ispens erli dand rotat ing t he di al to "5". If t he
dishes s til l ar e not d ryi ngprope rlyo r ar e s how sp ots ,a djust t he di alto the n ext
highe r lev erun til y our dish es a re sp ot-f ree. Th e r ecom men ded setti ngis "4".
(Factory value is "4".)
Increasethedose if thereare drops of waterorlimespotsonthe dishes afterwashing.
Reduce i tifthere aresticky whitis hstains on your dish eso ra bluish filmon glasswareor
knife blades.
As t heri nse aid d imin ishes, t he si zeo f th e black dot
ontherinseaidlevel indicator changes, asillustra tedbelow.
1/ 4 full- Should refilltoeliminate spotting
Em pt y
Adjust l ever
When to Refill the RinseAid Dispenser
Ifth erei s no ri ns e-aid war ning light in thec ontr olp anel, you can est imat ethe amount from the colo ur
ofth eopt ical level indi cat or C loc ated next to the cap. When th erin se-aidc ontai ner is f ull, the wh ole
indicato rwill be dark .As t her inse -aid di minish es,th es izeo fthe dar k dot decr ea ses. You shou ld n ever let
t he rinse ai d l ev el f a l l 1 / 4 full.
durin gthe nex twa sh. Don 'tfor gett ore plac et hecap be fore you clos edis hwa she rd oor.
Clean u p a n y ri ns e aid sp ill ed while du rin g filli ng w i th an ab sor bent cl oth to a v oid ex ce ssive f oam i n g
Deterge nt s w ith its chem ical ingred ients a re ne cessary to re move dirt ,c rus hdirt an d transpo rt it o utof the di sh washer.
Mostofthecommercialquality deterge ntsare suitableforthisp urpose.
D. Function of Detergent
The re ar e 3 sor t s of det e rge nts
2.Withphos phate and without c hlorine
3.Wit hou tph osphate and without chlor ine
C (R i nse - Ai din d ic ato r)