Frequently Asked Questions
12/22/06 v1.2 Page 5 of 15
Dealers will be contacted only if their StarSCAN was manufactured before April of 2004, and
has not yet been in for service. All other dealers will be mailed a CH9414 kickstand/hook at NO
CHARGE. If you have any questions, contact SPX Miller Special Tools at (800) 344-4013.
How do I find out what the latest StarSCAN software version is?
To find the latest version available for the StarSCAN Tool, select Latest News at www.dcctools.com.
Why does the StarSCAN take so long to boot up?
The StarSCAN is a stand-alone device that is much like a personal computer. When it is first
turned on, it must run a number of processes before it can be used. These include loading an
operating system, starting Java software, identifying the connected vehicle, etc.
You can avoid booting up your StarSCAN by leaving the tool plugged into the AC adapter and
powered up between uses. Because the tool is only charged while it is on, this will also keep
the battery fully charged. We do recommend, however, that the tool be restarted once a day to
free up internal memory and avoid system slow downs and errors from occurring.
Can the StarMOBILE A/C Adapter (CH9802) be used to power the StarSCAN
diagnostic tool?
Although the plugs are the same size, you should not use the StarMOBILE adapter with the
StarSCAN tool. Under some circumstances, the StarSCAN power requirements can exceed the
capacity of the StarMOBILE adapter. However, the StarSCAN A/C adapter may be used to
power the StarMOBILE system.
Can the StarMOBILE vehicle cable (CH9804) be used with the StarSCAN diagnostic
Although both tools use HD-26 connectors, you cannot use the StarMOBILE cable with the
StarSCAN tool. The StarMOBILE cable was designed to be as small as possible for use in the
customer’s vehicle. Since the StarMOBILE power requirements are much less than the
StarSCAN tool, we were able to reduce the size of the StarMOBILE cable. However, the
StarSCAN cable (CH9404) may be used with the StarMOBILE system.
Why can’t I print PDF files after installing the latest version of Adobe Acrobat?
DealerCONNECT recommends uninstalling the current version of Acrobat then downloading the
latest version from DealerCONNECT > eSupport > Library > Downloads and installing it. You
will still be able to view PDF files from the StarSCAN website with this version as well.