Frequently Asked Questions
2/13/08 v1.7 Page 18 of 20
What should I do with the Kingston driver CD I received with my USB memory device?
Some StarSCAN Update Kits were inadvertently shipped with the Kingston driver CD. This CD
is not required for use the TechCONNECT and can be discarded.
Why can’t I write to my USB device from the StarSCAN &StarMOBILE Software Update
Depending on the USB Device type and previous use, it is possible that the volume name or
label is blank. Beginning with the StarSCAN StarMOBILE 6.04 CD Release, this information is
required to better help identify the device when using the update wizard. Please use the
following procedure to correctly name your USB Device:
1. Right click the Start menu select Explore > My Computer to bring up the screen below:
2. Right click on the USB removable drive and select Properties from the drop down menu
to bring up the screen as shown below:
3. Type USB Drive in the text box labeled Label and click OK.
4. If the update wizard screen is currently open, close it by clicking the Exit button (lower
right) or by clicking the X located in the top right corner of the update wizard screen.
5. With the USB key already plugged into your computer, launch the update wizard from
the StarSCAN/StarMOBILE Software Update CD. You should now be able to copy
updates successfully to your USB device.