Frequently Asked Questions
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How well does the StarSCAN diagnostic tool handle shop conditions?
Drop tests, fluid resistance, and other durability tests have been performed to ensure that the
StarSCAN diagnostic tool is ruggedized and ready for use under normal shop conditions. The
larger display screen makes the StarSCAN diagnostic tool slightly more susceptible to damage
than the DRBIII®, but the advantages of the larger screen far outweigh any potential durability
What will happen if I touch the screen with brake fluid or oil on my hands?
The StarSCAN tool has been designed to operate in a typical shop environment and the
touchscreen is damage resistant to most service shop chemicals, but treating it with care will
ensure its long life. Use a clean damp non-abrasive cloth towel and glass cleaner (such as
Mopar Window Cleaner) to clean the touchscreen surface when necessary. Apply the cleaning
solution to the towel rather than directly to the touchscreen.
Do I need a protective cover for the StarSCAN touchscreen?
The StarSCAN touchscreen was selected for its ability to operate successfully in the shop
environment. The optical properties of the touchscreen have been carefully matched to the
display, the polarizer, and the other optical enhancements present that allow full sunlight
readability. Simple cleaning will be sufficient for ensuring a long life.
Will the StarSCAN diagnostic tool have a hook?
Yes. A hook was provided to all StarSCAN owners free of charge to enable the technician to
place the StarSCAN diagnostic tool in any number of locations on the vehicle. If you have not
received a hook, please contact SPX Miller Special Tools at (800) 344-4013..
Can I purchase some of the items in the StarSCAN kit elsewhere?
Yes. To reduce the cost of ownership of the StarSCAN, we used as many off-the-shelf
components whenever possible. These components may be purchased directly by the
dealership to help reduce your costs. It is very important to use only the specific items listed
below to ensure proper operation of your StarSCAN. The items identified below have been
tested to ensure compatibility and safe operation with your StarSCAN.
Can I purchase the items found in the Update Kit directly?
Although the Update Kit (CH9412) is available for purchase from PSE by selecting eStore >
eStore Sites > Pentastar Service Equipment, the items contained in the kit may be purchased
directly from other sources. The only replacement items that we can recommend at this time