Administration Settings
Cisco SPA100 Series Phone Adapters Administration Guide 123
Field Description
Sender If you wish to send log entries to an email account,
complete all of the fields in this section. Enter a valid
email address to identify the sender of the email.
Example: user1@company.com
Receiver Enter a valid email address where the email will be sent.
Example: user2@company.com
SMTP Server Enter the IP address or domain name of the mail server
that you will use to send this email. Example:
SMTP Port Enter the port to use on the SMTP server. The default
value is 25. Use the port specified by your email server
administrator or service provider.
Subject Enter a brief description for the subject line of the email.
Example: Log from My ATA
Number of Logs Enter the number of log entries to include in the email.
The valid range is 10 to 200.
Interval Enter the interval, in minutes, at which to send emails.
The valid range is 1 to 1440 (24 hours).
Username Enter the username for the email account that will be
used to send these emails. Use the format required by
your service provider. Usually it is the full email address.
Example: user1@company.com.
Password Enter the password for the email account that will be
used to send these emails.